Say hello to the

brand heart guide

Learn about the importance of discovering the heart of your business, and how using this strategy can help form a stronger identity

Let’s get real for a second ok?

Do you find yourself constantly rummaging through other brands feeds wondering what their secret is to having branding that is cohesive, that effortlessly showcases their mission - and their vibe is just SPOT ON.

Have you ever felt like you really don't know your core values and how you can reflect that in your branding and overall visual appearance?


Which is why I have put together this simple guide and worksheets so you too - can learn about how your business ticks, gain PRICELESS information about your brand and use it to your advantage!


Yeah getting your Branding redone is part of it - but forming a strong Strategy behind your brand will make you unstoppable.

Repeat after me

I am creative.
I have have something meaningful to say.
I am authentic.
I can—and will—attract the clients I need to build a Successful business.

It starts with the right questions, research, voice, and messaging.

It’s not just about giving quick answers here. It’s about digging deep to uncover your essence and what makes you stand out to your audience. 


It’s about building a tribe of people eager to support your brand because YOU have purpose behind it. In this guide, I’m dishing out my top questions to unearth the core of your brand, reigniting that passion you had when you first dreamed it up! 


Get ready to connect with your brand on a whole new level and amplify what’s already working to take your biz to new heights.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to help you understand the true heart of your brand.

From this guide you will get…


A deep understanding of your Brand


Clarity and connection


Renewed passion for your brand


Insightful strategy development


A clearer path to success within your brand

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

The kind of knowledge contained in this guide can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to give you education that actually works—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the Brand Heart guide & worksheets + FREE Golden Circles and Goals worksheet for a fraction of the price.


Reg. $89



Hey I'm Keren, the founder and designer behind by Keren Elise®

I'm all about crafting empowering and timeless designs for ambitious brands. With my expertise in Strategy, Branding, Logo design, and Illustration, I've got you covered from every angle of visual storytelling!

I'm all about simplicity and functionality – striking that perfect balance between timeless aesthetics and contemporary relevance. I'll dive deep into your brand's identity, values, and target audience to create designs that perfectly align with your goals and make a lasting impression.